Outreachy First Blog: Introducing Yourself!

Motivation for Outreachy Internship!

Posted by Tahera Fahimi on June 1, 2024

In the following post, you will learn more about me and my passion for applying for Outreachy internship.

Who Am I?

My name is Tahera Fahimi, and I am a dedicated cybersecurity analyst with a profound passion for the intricate world of digital security. I am currently pursuing a Master of Computer Science degree at the University of Calgary, where my research focuses on enhancing the security of Blockchain systems through Hierarchical Deterministic Threshold Wallets. My academic journey began at the Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran, where I earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, specializing in cybersecurity and network management.

Throughout my academic and professional career, I have honed a diverse skill set encompassing various programming languages such as Python, Solidity, Java, C, JavaScript, and SQL. My proficiency extends to a wide range of security tools including IDS (Suricata), SIEM tools, firewalls, and reverse engineering tools like OllyDbg and IDA-Pro. Additionally, I have hands-on experience with big data technologies, blockchain platforms, and network simulation tools.

In my current role as a Research Assistant at the University of Calgary, I am deeply involved in developing and improving Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets. This role allows me to contribute significantly to the security of blockchain systems, which is both challenging and rewarding. My previous experiences include an internship at IBM, where I collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement robust security measures, and a position as a Malware Analyzer at AMNPARDAZ CO., where I focused on the core of Padvish, the leading Persian antivirus solution.

My Core Values

Beyond my technical expertise, I am passionate about solving complex security challenges, continuously learning about emerging threats, and developing innovative solutions to protect critical digital infrastructure.


Integrity is the cornerstone of my professional and personal life. In the realm of cybersecurity, maintaining the highest ethical standards is paramount. Handling sensitive information and ensuring data confidentiality requires a steadfast commitment to honesty and transparency. By upholding integrity, I build trust with my colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, ensuring that every action I take is aligned with ethical principles and best practices.

Continuous Learning

The field of cybersecurity is dynamic and ever-evolving. To stay ahead of potential threats and advancements, continuous learning is essential. This value drives me to constantly seek new knowledge, whether through formal education, professional development courses, or independent research. My dedication to lifelong learning not only enhances my technical skills but also keeps me adaptable and ready to tackle the latest security challenges.


Cybersecurity is a collective effort that requires collaboration across various disciplines and teams. I believe in the power of teamwork and open communication to achieve common goals. By fostering a collaborative environment, I can leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to develop more robust and effective security solutions. This value is particularly important in my roles where cross-functional collaboration is key to designing and implementing comprehensive security measures.

Motivation for Applying Outreachy

My motivation for applying to Outreachy stems from a deep-seated desire to contribute to meaningful projects that have a real-world impact. Outreachy offers a unique platform to work on open-source projects that align with my expertise and passions, particularly in cybersecurity and blockchain technologies. The program’s emphasis on inclusivity and diversity resonates with my belief in the importance of diverse perspectives in driving innovation.

I am particularly drawn to Outreachy because it provides an opportunity to collaborate with a global community of like-minded individuals who are equally passionate about technology and social impact. This collaborative environment is an ideal setting for me to apply my skills, learn from others, and contribute to projects that address critical issues in the digital world.

Furthermore, Outreachy’s commitment to supporting underrepresented groups in tech aligns with my personal values. As someone who has navigated the challenges of being a minority in the tech field, I am inspired by Outreachy’s mission to create a more inclusive and equitable tech industry. By participating in this program, I hope to not only advance my own career but also support and mentor others who aspire to make a difference in technology.

In conclusion, my application to Outreachy is driven by a combination of my technical expertise, core values, and a genuine passion for contributing to impactful projects. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the Outreachy community and make meaningful contributions to open-source initiatives.